Personal CareerGO TO PERSONAL CAREERPersonal CareerGO TO PERSONAL CAREER Fighting CareerGO TO FIGHTING CAREERFighting CareerGO TO FIGHTING CAREER Date Result Opponent Event Location Method Round Time 2019- 06-29 2018-09-15 2018-03-03 2018-03-03 2017-11-12 Win Win Loss Win Win Wei Ninghui Youssef El Haji Hassan Toy Xie Lei Petchtanong Banchamek Wu Linfeng Enfusion Live 70 Wu Linfeng -67KG Tournament Final Wu Linfeng -67KG Tournament Semi Finals Kunlun Fight 67 - 66kg World Championship, Quarter Finals China Belgium China China China KO (Straight Right to the Body) Decision (Unanimous) Decision (split) Decision (Unanimous) Decision (Unanimous) 3 3 3 3 3 1:11 3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 more fighting records Fighting Record GO TO OUR WEBSHOP GET IN TOUCH